Our Favourite Slice Recipes

A slice is by definition a thin, broad piece of food, such as bread, meat, or cake that is cut from a larger portion. We will of course talk about the cake bit. A slice is a very convenient type of dessert - it can be simply picked up and eaten by hand, no cutlery or plates are needed so that means no cleaning after enjoying one 😀 Slices are usually a crowd hit at every gathering, so we decided to scout 7 slice recipes that are not only absolutely delicious but healthy as well ✨ 

1. Raw Caramel Slice Bites (from Becomingness)

Click here for recipe.

2. No Bake Chocolate Weetbix Slice (from My Kids Lick The Bowl)

Click here for recipe.

3. Vegan Vanilla Custard Slice (from Amy Le Creations) 

Click here for recipe.

4. 6 - Ingredient Chocolate & Caramel Slices (from Blissful Basil)

Click here for recipe.

5. Chocolate Berry Slice (from Wholesome Patisserie)

Click here for recipe.

6. Oat & Date Slice (from Bake Play Smile)

Click here for recipe.

7. Chocolate Crackle Bark Slice (from Wholesome Patisserie) 

Click here for recipe.


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